Above is the new one and is the same setting as the bottom one that I found at http://speedseekers.blogspot.com/ and is 1947 El Mirage
Above is the new one and is the same setting as the bottom one that I found at http://www.scta-bni.org/EM_1948_photos.htm
Same car, different outfits, so it's probably not at the same meet (time) the below was found
at http://www.scta-bni.org/EM_1948_photos.htm and I posted it
at http://www.scta-bni.org/EM_1948_photos.htm and I posted it
I posted both of the bottom photos 2 months ago, http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2010/02/on-lake-in-48-oh-wonder-and-amazement.html but just found the top photos at http://5window.tumblr.com/